
2-001 Performance Appraisals

The job performance of each A&P, USPS, and Faculty employee is to be reviewed (discussed) annually to ensure performance standards are met, to review the employee’s position description to enhance communications, and to convey the supervisor’s performance expectations for the coming year. Additional reviews may be scheduled by the supervisor at any time to discuss changes in one or more areas of the employee’s performance, a change in supervision, changes in job duties or the priority of job duties.

2-003 Ineligible for Rehire – OPS

Human Resources has different procedures for classifying an OPS employee ineligible for rehire. When an employee is classified as ineligible for rehire, they cannot be hired by any department within the University permanently. SSWB wants to ensure consistency within the Division when assigning this status.

3-001.1 Approval for Purchases $25,000+

SSWB requires that expenditures $25,000 or more be approved by a Senior Leadership Team (SLT) member. University policy requires that expenditures $75,000 or more be approved by the Vice President or their designee.

3-002 Budget Transfer Requests

Academic Affairs requires that all budget transfer requests involving an education and general (E&G) department be submitted by the division’s budget representative. SSWB requires that all budget transfer requests regardless of funding source be reviewed and submitted by the Assistant Vice President, Budget and Personnel or his/her designee.

3-003 Disposal of Property

All items that are purchased with University funding or belong to the University are not to be thrown away or disposed of in any way except in compliance with the University’s existing procedure.

4-001 Computer-Electronics Purchasing

This procedure outlines responsibilities for purchasing computer equipment and electronics within the SSWB Division.

4-002 Technology Fee Submittal

This procedure outlines the process for submitting a proposal for acquiring UCF Technology Fee funding for SSWB projects.

SSWB Travel Guidelines

SSWB would like to provide increased travel and professional development opportunities for our employees. Though the division will retain many of the same restrictions, such as limiting the allowable financial assistance and the number of employees who may attend any one conference, it is our hope that more individuals will be able to take advantage of professional development opportunities, especially those held within the local or regional area. The process for requesting approval is linked above.